Our Purpose and Operations

Our Purpose

To provide residents in Wards 7 and 8 access to healthy food and local products that’s equitable and affordable that will support a healthy lifestyle. We’re also passionate in providing entrepreneurial opportunities, skills training and employment to residents that desire those opportunities.

We are a Consumer – Owned Cooperative.

This means the business is:

  • owned and controlled by its customers;
  • a way for member-owners to decide on what to do with profits or savings made at the end of the year, such as reinvesting back into the co-op, paid out to its member-owners, or put towards helping other community initiatives;
  • able to give members/customers control over what they want and need in the store while selling those goods at fair and affordable prices; and
  • helping keep local dollars in the community by supporting local farmers and businesses within the community it serves.

How We Operate

A committee structure provides all Member-Owners with opportunities to contribute their time and talents to the growth of the co-op. Presently, there are four committees:

  • Steering Committee – provides overall direction for the co-op’s activities;
  • Business Development Committee – engages business partners, foundations, and funders to contribute to the growth of the co-op;
  • Community Engagement Committee – communicates the need for a food co-op East of the River through community meetings and direct outreach; and
  • Governance Committee – maintains business and financial records, manages co-op bylaws and onboards new member-owners.